Cybersecurity for Healthcare Staff
The “Introductory Training Programme on Cybersecurity for Healthcare Staff” is a 5-module course aimed at up-skilling healthcare workers, particularly nurses and administrative staff, on cybersecurity. Each module, lasting 45 minutes, covers topics such as cybersecurity threats, GDPR, password security, mobile device safety and incident response.
Health System and Environmental Health
The course “Implement Sustainable Development Goals in the Health Sector” explores the integration of SDGs with the One-Health approach. Explore the interconnections between environmental health, sustainability, and planetary health. Understand the impact of environmental contaminants and sustainable practices on health.
Digital Skills for Nurses and Allied Healthcare Professionals
This online course provides an introduction to the EU policy context on healthcare system digitalisation, and what it represents for frontline healthcare professionals, and offers an overview on the collaboration, training, and student education to digitalise the healthcare ecosystems in the EU.
Green Skills for Frontline Nurses and Allied Healthcare Professionals
The course aims to provide an introduction to the EU policy context of planetary health, what planetary health encompasses, and delve deeper into planetary health education and interdisciplinary collaboration.
LOST2 Module 0: Preventing and mitigating abduction
The module 0 for the LOST2 project is for anyone interested learning more about the basic steps for preventing and mitigating abduction. The module is aimed at raising awareness of the phenomenon of missing persons. The content is aimed at the widespread public, such as teachers, NGO operators, families, and young people at risk of…