
  • Telemedicina


    Uso del video come strumento nei servizi sanitari.

  • Телемедицина – Telemedicine

    Телемедицина – Telemedicine

    Използване на видеата като инструмент за предоставяне на здравни услуги

  • Telemedizin


    Einsatz von Videos als Hilfsmittel im Gesundheitswesen

  • Τηλεϊατρική


    Χρήση του βίντεο ως εργαλείο στις υπηρεσίες υγείας

  • Telemedicină


    Utilizarea materialelor video ca instrument în serviciile de sănătate

  • Telemedisin


    Use of video as a tool in health services.

  • Telemedicine

    Use of video as a tool in health services.

  • Green Skills for the Health Sector

    Green Skills for the Health Sector

    Throughout this program, we aim to provide both theoretical knowledge and practical solutions that can be implemented in day-to-day operations, helping to make healthcare more sustainable. Definition of Green skills : what does imply; which are the main topics. Some practical examples of best practice