Basic Digital Skills
In the modern world we often encounter in our daily lives the need to use and understand digital tools and internet functions, be it to communicate with people, search or store information. The aim of this training module is to help participants achieve a basic level of digital skills so that they can develop the skills needed to effectively access digital public services and actively improve digital literacy. This course of basic digital skills will provide you with valuable skills and knowledge related to information retrieval, digital literacy, and critical thinking. By completing this module, you can enhance your ability to articulate information needs effectively, navigate digital devices and platforms, and create personal search strategies. These skills are essential in today’s digital age and can greatly improve your employability and inclusion.
Introduction Digital tools, files and folders Search engines and hyperlinks Email basics Internet safety Social networks AssessmentLife Skills
Le “competenze per la vita” o “life skills” sono un insieme di abilità pratiche che permettono alle persone di affrontare le sfide quotidiane, migliorare il benessere personale e avere successo sia nella sfera personale che professionale. Queste competenze sono essenziali per gestire efficacemente le situazioni della vita e adattarsi ai cambiamenti e alle esigenze dell’ambiente.
Introduction Creativity Adaptability and resilience Time management AssessmentDigital Citizen
There are many definitions of “digital citizenship”. It can be described as being a responsible and respectful user of the internet and technology. Just like being a good citizen in the real world, a good digital citizen understands that our actions online have consequences, and uses online tools and advocacy in a safe, friendly and intelligent way.
Introduction Public sector and data protection Private sector and data protection Hosting a Zoom-meeting AssessmentFinancial Security
Welcome to the Financial Security module. As migrant mothers, we understand that you face unique challenges when it comes to managing your finances, from limited access to banking services to a lack of information or even discrimination in some cases. This module is designed to provide you with practical tools to better understand the financial world, take advantage of digital resources, and explore entrepreneurship as a pathway to greater economic independence. By the end of this module, you will feel more confident in managing your money, learn how to use digital tools to handle your finances, and discover how entrepreneurship can be a powerful way to empower yourself economically and provide stability for you and your family.
Introduction Understanding financial literacy Barriers to financial security Digital financial tools Entrepreneurship for economic empowerment AssessmentEducation and Training
This module aims to empower migrant women by raising their awareness about their fundamental rights, particularly in terms of education and training, help them develop their resilience regarding integration obstacles, support them in discovering their strengths and boosting their self-confidence, and provide them with effective tools enabling them to choose relevant and coherent courses leading to employment and effective integration in the host society
Introduction Education and training as a fundamental right Migrant qualification recognition – Diploma equivalence procedure Education and training – Specific hindrances for migrant women Choosing a pertinent course AssessmentJob and Career
To find a good job, a job you like, and at the same time a job that is in demand in the market, it is necessary to consider various aspects together. It is important to do a little analysis and reflection on who you are and your characteristics